Expert System for Horoscope
Our Expert system is about horoscope. It’s a simple idea but it’s more useful for our daily life. Why we choose this idea, because we know that many people don’t know about horoscope. They are just know date of born. Not the horoscope. So we choose this idea, the advantage of this idea is we can classification based on the date of born. After we know the date of born, we can conclude what the horoscope. This the classification based on date of born.
- If there is people has date of born 22 December -19 January we can conclude the horoscope is Capricorn.
- If there is people has date of born 20 January -18 February we can conclude the horoscope is Aquarius.
- If there is people has date of born 19 February -20 March we can conclude the horoscope is Pisces.
- If there is people has date of born 21 March -19 April we can conclude the horoscope is Aries.
- If there is people has date of born 20 April - 20 May we can conclude the horoscope is Taurus.
- If there is people has date of born 21 May - 21 June we can conclude the horoscope is Gemini.
- If there is people has date of born 22 June - 22 July we can conclude the horoscope is Cancer.
- If there is people has date of born 23 July - 22 August we can conclude the horoscope is Leo.
- If there is people has date of born 23 August -22 September we can conclude the horoscope is Virgo.
- If there is people has date of born 23 September-23 October we can conclude the horoscope is Libra.
- If there is people has date of born 24 October – 21 November we can conclude the horoscope is Scorpio.
- If there is people has date of born 22 November- 21 December we can conclude the horoscope is Sagittarius
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